Seasonal Lawn Care
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Seasonal Lawn Care Checklist: What to Do Each Month

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Seasonal Lawn Care Checklist

Have you ever thought about the effort required to keep your lawn in top condition all year? Adverse problems are not easily overcome by just mowing the compound yard; rather, they demand expert and purposeful treatment over the course of a calendar month. 

Every season offers advantages and disadvantages, but it is difficult to determine which activities are most successful at any given moment. In this blog, we will discuss the essential tips required for seasonal lawn care, providing you with a greenish landscape all year.

Why Seasonal Lawn Care Is Important?

Seasonal lawn care is important for keeping your grass looking green, lush, and gorgeous throughout the year. Distinct seasons bring distinct challenges and development needs, therefore fertilizer application, mowing area, watering frequency, and pest management vary by season. 

For example, in the spring, the primary purpose is to stimulate new growth and control weeds, whereas, in the summer, plants may need to be hydrated and protected from heat stress. It’s also crucial to aerate and oversee your lawn in the fall so it can recover and prepare for the winter season. 

It is imperative that we delve deeper and go over lawn care in detail for every season of the year so that you have a firm grasp on how to take care of your grass to promote growth throughout each season. 

Spring Lawn Care (March-May)

Spring is the time when your lawn is most responsive after winter and therefore needs to be supported at this time.

Key Tasks:

Dethatch and Aerate: The thatch layer (dead grass and its remains) should be raked or programmed in early spring to enhance water and nutrient penetration. Water the lawn adequately to enhance oxygen access by the roots of the grass.

Fertilize: Use a slow-release nitrogenous fertilizer to facilitate the growth of the grass.

Overseed Bare Spots: Sow grass seed in the sparse or lacking regions to achieve a denser and balanced coverage.

First Mow of the Season: Once the grass is 3 inches high, start mowing and always make sure to cut only one-third of the height of the blade.

Water as Needed: During the warmer months, irrigate the lawn at least once a week, preferably with 1 inch of water from a sprinkler or rain.

Weed Control: You need to use a pre-emergent herbicide in early spring that will prevent the growth of weeds such as crabgrass.

This time of year is linked to rebirth and sprouting. The way you establish your lawn at the beginning of the year greatly influences how you will maintain it throughout the year.

Summer Lawn Care (June – August)

The summer period is the most challenging for the grass, so maintenance and protection are crucial during this season. Good management during this time makes it possible for your lawn to always remain green from the heat that is normally associated with this season.

Key Tasks:

Mow Higher: The height of the grass should also be raised to 3-4 inches since this will help to protect the soil from direct sunlight which minimizes evaporation.

Deep Watering: Irrigate your lawn with less quantity but frequently (1- 1. 5 inches per week) to encourage roots to grow deeper. Water in the morning and specifically ensure that it does not evaporate before the afternoon.

Pest Control: Summer is a favorite time for pests like grubs and chinchbugs to make their debut. Be sure to monitor your lawn often and address any pest issues as soon as possible.

Minimize Fertilization: Do not apply too much fertilizer during the times of scorching heat in the summer, it will burn your lawn. In case of need, use a small amount of pesticides and fertilizers before the start of a new season.

Weed Management: Remove any new growth of weeds manually or spray the area with a post-emergent herbicide if you want them to stop growing.

The key to managing heat stress in a lawn is to water it on a regular basis and to mow with a higher blade.

Fall Lawn Care (September – November)

After the summer has worn down your lawn, you can take steps to repair and stabilize it in the fall. It is also a crucial time to prepare your lawn or grass for the approaching winter season.

Key Tasks:

Aerate and Overseed: With warm weather gradually giving way to cool temperatures in early autumn, it is the perfect time to aerate compacted soil and sow seeds to fill thin or dormant areas to ensure growth in the next year.

Fertilize: Before the start of the winter season, it is advisable to apply a high phosphorus fertilizer to enhance the root system of the grass. This will aid it remove stress caused by summer seasons and hence ready for dormancy.

Lower Mower Height: As the season advances, reduce the frequency and gradually decrease the mowing height to between 2-2. 5 inches for the final cut of the season.

Rake Leaves: Mow your lawn and rake up the fallen leaves to avoid choking the grass and encouraging the growth of fungal diseases.

Water as Needed: If the weather stays dry, the shrubs should be watered again, ideally up to approximately one inch per week.

Recovery and preparation are what fall is all about. Aerating, overseeding, and fertilizing will enable your lawn to bounce back from summer stress and set itself up for a strong, dormant winter.

Winter Lawn Care (December – February)

Winter is one of the worst seasons for your grass because it is dormant; yet, this does not excuse you from taking care of it. Preventing winter damage to your grass helps it start on the right foot the following season.

Key Tasks:

Minimize Foot Traffic: One should not walk on frozen grass to avoid causing damage. It causes the blades to become extremely rigid and can easily break when one steps on them.

Clear Debris: Rake off any leaves, branches, or any other materials that can smother your grass and lead to mold or fungus formations.

Inspect for Disease: Some of the potential diseases to affect the lawns include; Snow mold and other disease that may occur during the winter seasons when the lawn is covered with snow. Always keep a close eye on your yard and take any actions necessary as soon as possible.

Prepare Lawn Equipment: Utilize the time before spring to service lawnmowers, identify problem areas in the lawns, and prepare a calendar for the spring mowing season.

Apply Winter Fertilizer (Late Fall): If you did not apply winterizing fertilizer in the fall, apply it early in the winter to provide your greens with the necessary nutrients for the cold months.

Winter is not very demanding when it comes to lawn care, but it helps to shield it from anything that could harm it and get it ready for the growing season.


Maintaining a well-planned routine is essential to keeping your lawn looking its best all year round. By putting monthly lawn tasks into practice and following a trustworthy lawn maintenance schedule, you can make sure your grass receives the care it needs throughout the year.

Your grass will flourish if you incorporate important seasonal lawn care tips that we have mentioned above like fertilizing, aerating, and using the right watering procedures.

For anyone searching for professional help, hiring a lawn care company can make all the difference. They provide expert care and can save you a lot of time. Whenever you have the right plan in place, you can always have a gorgeous, healthy lawn.

At Eye Candy Lawn Care Service LLC, we specialize in the ultimate guide to seasonal lawn equipment maintenance. For more expert advice and professional services, visit Lawn Care in Atlanta GA , or contact us to schedule a consultation. Don’t miss our next blog on “How to Choose the Best Grass Seed for Your Climate” for more helpful insights.


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